Person responsible for policy: Carol Railton
Policy version and publication date: V1 October 2022
Designated Safeguarding Officer
Name: Sarah Mcgrath
Phone: 07911 712250
Email: admin@learningclubs.com
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Officer
Name: Carol Railton
Phone: 07911 750613 / 52 415 168 4662 (-6 hours)
Email: admin@learningclubs.com
This safe working practice document is NOT statutory guidance from the Department for Education (DfE). The following documentation is for employers, local authorities and/or the Three Safeguarding Partners. LearningClubs has determined to use this as the basis for their representatives' code of conduct and behaviour guidelines.
Purpose of the PolicySafeguarding
International Students
Keeping Children Safe in Education
Online Safety
Registration of Tutors
Dealing with a Safeguarding Concern or Disclosure
LearningClubs Safeguarding Statement:
“Safeguarding is everyone’s business at LearningClubs – We are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of Students. All those who represent LearningClubs including Tutors have provided their signature as an agreement in this commitment.”
1. Introduction
Established in 2011, LearningClubs offers online bespoke learning opportunities for Students to boost their thinking skills while building confidence.
This safe working practice and procedure document is not statutory guidance from the Department for Education (DfE). It is for employers, local authorities and/or the Safeguarding Partners. LearningClubs has determined to use this as the basis for their representatives' code of conduct and behaviour guidelines.
The following sections set out the procedure followed if an incident occurs. These procedures ensure a prompt response to any incident and minimise any further harm to a student or other person. Each section below sets out the recommended procedure which must be followed.
It is always the responsibility of the person alerted to the incident to take action to protect the Student or other person. LearningClubs will not be responsible for any non-compliance with the recommended procedure.
The procedures are not an exhaustive list; therefore, if an incident is not covered in this document, you are advised to immediately contact children's social care or the police if you believe it may be a criminal matter. Following this action, contact the company’s CPO.
2. Purpose of the Policy
This policy applies to all aspects of LearningClubs conducting online Tutoring services. The policy and supporting procedures apply to all LearningClubs’s representatives including Tutors.
LearningClubs acknowledges its duty of care to safeguard, and promote the welfare of Students and is committed to ensuring safeguarding practices reflect up-to-date statutory responsibilities, and government guidance and its services are carried out and reflect best practice.
The welfare of a Student is paramount and is the responsibility of everyone.
This policy statement is in place to protect all Students, regardless of age, gender, religion or beliefs, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation or socio-economic background.
In addition, LearningClubs offers online educational services that fall within the scope of this policy including that:
All Students will receive Tutoring in a safe environment
All reasonable steps will be taken to protect every Student from harm, discrimination or demeaning treatment
Every Student is entitled to have their rights, wishes and feelings respected
Every Tutor is entitled to be treated with respect
Confidentiality is essential to the environment of trust with our Students, but this will be balanced against the organisation’s duty to protect Students
We undertake to:
Take all suspicions and allegations of poor practice or abuse seriously and respond to them swiftly and appropriately
Ensure that all Tutors and parents/guardians are aware of the correct procedures for raising any concerns they may have
Ensure robust safer recruitment, selection and appointment procedures for staff and tutors
Ensure all our Tutors work cooperatively with parents/guardians
3. Safeguarding International Students
LearningClubs recognises that international students use and access LearningClubs services. LearningClubs uses the same reporting approach to international students as it does to the UK.
The LearningClubs safeguarding team, CPO, will always endeavour to follow the same policy and procedures and notify the relevant local authority equivalent where possible.
4. Keeping Children Safe In Education
Children are considered abused or at risk of abuse by parents or others when the Child's basic needs are not being met through either commission or omission. Children include everyone under the age of 18 (KCSIE, 2022*).
Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of Children and young people is defined as:
Protecting Children from maltreatment
Preventing impairment of Children’s mental and physical health or development
Taking action to enable all Children to have the best outcomes
5. Online Services
LearningClubs recognises the considerable breadth of issues classified within online safety. LearningClubs takes a holistic approach to online safety that aims to protect LearningClubs’s representatives including Tutors and Students in their use of technology.
The Tutor
The Tutor shall:
Ensure that their environment does not display any inappropriate objects, images or documentation that the Student or parent/responsible adult can be viewed when conducting a session
Ensure that their attire is professional in keeping with that of a school environment
Treat Students fairly and without prejudice or discrimination. This may include Students who have a disability or come from a minority ethnic or cultural group can easily become victims of discrimination and prejudice, which may harm the Student’s well-being
Ensure any contact with the student is appropriate to their role as a tutor
Always ensure language is professional and not offensive or discriminatory
Ensure that all email contact with the parent and the Student (if and when required) is solely done with the email assigned to the Tutor from LearningClubs
Report any dispute with a Student or parent/responsible adult immediately to the CPO
Report any inappropriate behaviour or illegal activity identified within a Tutorial session by the Student or third party immediately to the CPO
The Student
The Student shall:
Treat the Tutor with respect and fairness, and not subject them to abusive behaviour or language
Have no contact with the Tutor outside of the tutorial session except organising schedule changes
Report any dispute with a Tutor to a parent/responsible adult in accordance with the Safeguarding procedures and forwarded to the CPO
Report any inappropriate behaviour or illegal activity by a Tutor within a session in accordance with the Safeguarding procedures
Parent/Responsible adult
The parent/responsible adult shall:
Ensure the Student is fully aware of the LearningClubs Safeguarding Policy
Always be responsible for the welfare of the Student during the session
If they consider it appropriate, be present or available during a Tutor session so any concerns encountered by the Student can be reported as soon as possible.
Ensure that Tutors will be treated with respect and fairness by the Student and will not be subjected to abusive behaviour or language
Ensure that no improper suggestions are made by either the Tutor or Student
Ensure the Student has no communication with the Tutor outside the tutorial session except organising schedule changes
Report any dispute or inappropriate behaviour with a Tutor to the CPO
6. Registration of Tutors
The Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006 requires the organisation to carry out specific vetting (enhanced DBS and barred list checks) on Staff and Tutors.
LearningClubs carries out appropriate recruitment practices for all positions within the organisation to ensure that the Tutor will:
Be identified by their real name
Provide proof of identity
Provide proof of residential address
Hold a current enhanced DBS certificate
Hold a Certificate of Safeguarding and Child Protection Level 1 or higher
Provide two professional references that will be verified.
The CPO will undertake to monitor the working practice of staff and Tutors no less than once per year.
7. Dealing with a Safeguarding concern or disclosure
LearningClubs must accept the information being shared without influencing it when there is a question of possible harm or abuse.
Those supporting the Student should:
Stay Calm
Listen carefully and let the Student tell their story
Do not lead, do not suggest, just record this information
Make a full report within 2 hours to the CPO by completing the incident form*
Disconnect immediately from any device in the event of sexual or physical harm content being shown
Those supporting the Student should NOT:
Promise confidentiality
Ask leading questions (e.g. Did xxx do this to you?)
Make promises (e.g. this will never happen again)
When the CPO receives the incident form, they will contact the relevant child social care team and make a referral. The referral will be followed up in writing within 24 hours.
Where a child is suffering or is likely to suffer from harm, it is important that a referral to children’s social care (and if appropriate the police) is made immediately.
Designated Safeguarding Officer
Name: Sarah Mcgrath
Phone: 07911 712250
Email: admin@learningclubs.com
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Officer
Name: Carol Railton
Phone: 07911 750613 / 52 415 168 4662 (-6 hours)
Email: admin@learningclubs.com
Definitions and References
Regulated activity: Teaching, training or instruction of Students, carried out by the same person frequently (once a week or more often).
Keeping Children Safe in Education (statutory guidance for schools and colleges in UK) https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/1101454/Keeping_children_safe_in_education_2022.pdf
Working Together to Safeguard Children
https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/working-together-to-safeguard-children--2#history (last updated February 2020) -
The Prevent Duty (DfE guidance for schools to “prevent people from being drawn into terrorism”) https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/439598/prevent-duty-departmental-advice-v6.pdf (June 2015)
Disclosure and Barring Service
https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/disclosure-and-barring-service -
Veale Vasborough Vizards legal updates
http://www.vwv.co.uk/what-s-happening/publications-updates -
Information sharing advice for safeguarding practitioners - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) (March 26 2015)
Working Together to Safeguard Children (see paragraphs 14 -21, page 8-9 for guidance on thresholds for referral)
https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/working-together-to-safeguard-children--2 -
What to do if you are worried about a child
https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/what-to-do-if-youre-worried-a-child-is-being-abused--2 (March 26 2015) -
Mental Health and Behaviour in Schools
https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/mental-health-and-behaviour-in-schools--2 (March 25 2015) -
Safer Recruitment training online https://ssscpd.co.uk/safer-recruitment/